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Why Should I Forgive - Part 1

3/11/20241 min read

two people holding hands over a book on a table
two people holding hands over a book on a table

I have spoken to several ladies recently and have been asked something very similar to this.”How and why do I forgive this?” I have thought about it, because, truthfully, the answer is always difficult to explain to a hurting spouse. The idea seem overwhelming and a little unfair at first glance. So how about we just dissect this task one step at a time?

First of all, who am I??? Well. I am a sinner, guilty of sin myself. Regardless of the offense, I am daily in need of forgiveness. I have failed my Savior so miserably. My sins held the perfect, righteous Son of God to a cross that should have been mine. Wanna talk about forgiveness being unfair?

But I would NEVER have betrayed my spouse in such a way?! Right? So, all of the sudden, his sin seems far worse than mine. I feel that moral and spiritual superiority rising up in me, also known as PRIDE. I must be a better Christian than he, because I would never have fallen into that kind of wickedness? Right???

Negative…and never say never. The very things we struggle to forgive may become our downfall.

The Bible so plainly teaches that the way I desire God to forgive me, is the exact way I should extend mercy and grace to fallen brethren. My husband happens to be a brother in Christ, so my heart to forgive should most definitely include him.

How better to demonstrate our relationship with Christ than the earthly example set in a God-honoring marriage!

The beautiful thing about grace is that God is so pleased with it, He pours it out lavishly on us. Not only does it cover our need for forgiveness and restoration, but it leaves us an unlimited supply to share with others. It’s not just me, it’s God pouring His mercy and grace THROUGH me. That way, I never stop God’s flow of forgiveness for my sins.

Wow… It’s truly AMAZING GRACE.