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The Devil's In The Details

Protecting myself from painful, useless information

4/22/20242 min read

flat lay photography of tortoiseshell eyeglasses on top of book near black pen and teal mug
flat lay photography of tortoiseshell eyeglasses on top of book near black pen and teal mug

"But I just wanna know…."

"I wonder if..."

Have you ever found yourself struggling with some stupid little piece of the “puzzle” that you are so tempted to blurt out an emotional, gut-wrenching question about? No??? Just me??? I doubt it. I’m sure you’re laughing and nodding your head, like…. “Yep!! Trying to decide whether or not and when to bring it up."

Way back at the beginning of all of this, my husband promised to answer any question I may have as truthfully as possible. He also promised to answer it as simply and with as little detail as possible. That way, he would not add to any hurt or pain I was going through. But I promised something even better, that has been a huge blessing to both of us. I promised not to ask every about single thing that pops into my head, just because it’s there. I promised to wait, and pray about it.

I’m not talking about the actual big picture stuff. I’m talking details. After all, “The Devil is in the details.” Right? Details can destroy you, so this is the part you have got to be so careful about!

I call it the 24-hour test. If I think of something so upsetting, so tempting, that I feel I MUST know to help me file some piece of this story away… I wait. You guess it. For 24-hours. I pray about it and then try to let it go. A lot of times, what seems so important in the moment, may not such a big deal tomorrow. If tomorrow comes and I’m still fixated? Could I wait and pray some more and give God a chance to win this mental battle for me??? So on, and so forth. Most of those details never do get asked about, because time helped me to realize I didn’t need to ask that particular question. A few questions do get asked. But at that point I can approach them with prayer and a much calmer spirit. Not in a hateful or accusing way.

Don’t allow your curiosity about the small details of the past give Satan a stronghold in your mind. What you focus or dwell on matters. We are reminded of this in Paul’s writings.

”Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.“

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬